When the attainment of your financial objectives is at stake, you need advice you can trust. We believe you are best served by a financial advisor who is objective, not someone who gets paid more for selling you one product rather than another. You need a relationship with a firm that promises to always put your interests first and does not have incentives to do otherwise.
Unlike many companies in the financial services industry, Ward & Associates operates on a fee-only basis and does not accept commissions or any other form of compensation from third parties. We believe this policy ensures your interests are always put first and eliminates the conflicts of interest which are inherent when financial advisors receive compensation from anyone but you.
Our only business is to seek to provide you with the best possible financial advice and investment counsel. We are not in the investment banking business, the insurance business, or the securities brokerage business. We do not sell you products. There is never any pressure to buy or sell anything. We do not use the provision of advice to individuals as part of a larger corporate strategy designed to create a market for the products of our primary businesses.
We are never in the situation of having to choose between what product is best for you versus what product a large financial services company wants us to sell. Our only compensation comes directly from you and you will always know exactly what you are paying before we receive a dollar. Please see our Fee Schedule.
As an independent SEC registered investment advisor, our entire focus is on helping you achieve your financial goals. We believe the way for us to accomplish our objective is to be able to offer you the widest universe of choices available.
We have established relationships with a network of companies and professionals that will allow us to provide you with whatever product, service, or advice is needed given your unique needs and circumstances.
Though we have developed access to a variety of what we believe are best-of-breed solutions, our only loyalty is to you. We have no allegiance to any company, product, or service beyond our belief that it is appropriate in your situation and will assist you in achieving your goals.
We welcome the opportunity to conduct a complementary and confidential interview to discuss your unique circumstances and how we may be of assistance to you and your family. Please click here if you are interested in a no obligation meeting.